Dracena Marginata Nega

Ova kućna ukrasna biljka potiče sa madagaskara a njeno ime na grčkom jeziku u prevodu znači žena zmaj.
Dracena marginata nega. Dracaena marginata or the dragon tree is a houseplant that has elegant long thin leaves with red edges. Rod dracena obuhvata oko 40 vrsta drveća i sukulentnog žbunja. Dragon tree dracaena marginata is a low maintenance houseplant that has few problems. Poreklo imena dracena na grčkom znači ženski zmaj.
U engleskoj je nazivaju zmajevo drvo sa madagaskara dok je kod nas rasprostranjen naziv marginata. Rod dracene uključuje preko 40 vrsta žbunastih i sukulentnih biljaka a kod nas je najrasprostranjenija vrsta dracena marginata koju karakteriše tanko špicasto zeleno lišće sa crvenkastim. Generally speaking dracaena marginata is intolerant to the cold and will only grow outside in places where the temperature never drops below 63 to 65 f 17 to 18 c even in winter. The tricolor cultivar commonly called rainbow plant or rainbow tree has cream and yellow stripes on.
The dragon tree looks good on its own and is also useful for providing height among a group of houseplants. Dracena marginata ukrasni žbun sa madagaskara dracena marginata dracaena marginatta pripada porodici ljiljana latinski naziv liliaceae. The lower leaves gradually fall away to reveal a thin trunk. Dracena marginata se prihranjuje u toku vegetacije tečnim đubrivom jednom u dve nedelje.
The dracaena marginata also known as the madagascar dragon tree presents itself quite palm like. Odgovaraće joj dublje saksije sa dobrom drenažom a može da se u istu saksiju presadi i više biljaka. Dracena marginata latinski naziv dracaena marginatta pripada rodu dracena i porodici ljiljana. The plant has narrow slender gray stems that are topped with shiny arching leaves.
When it comes to the care it shows itself as an undemanding indoor plant which can also forgive if watering has been forgotten from time to time. Naziv dracena dolazi od grčke reči drakaina koja znači ženski zmaj a u nekim delovima sveta ova biljka poznata je i pod nazivom zmajevo drvo. Dracaena dracaena marginata more commonly known as a dragon tree is an attractive stiff leaved plant with green sword like red edged leaves.